History of Image of Wisconsin

In early 1991 twenty-five independent Insurance Agencies in Wisconsin met to achieve a common goal of gaining better position with an insurance company. They felt that as a group they could leverage for a better insurance package to offer their clients and better market share for their own agency.

After many meetings and discussions by the founding members, R.D. Weber took the helm of the participating twenty-five agencies to form the group that is now known as the Insurance Marketing Group of Wisconsin, Inc. The participating members each contributed financially and received a share of stock in the corporation. To this day all IMAGE members own one share of stock in the corporation and each has the same voting power regardless of the size of their agencies.

The idea of IMAGE continued to grow at such a rapid rate that it soon became apparent that a full time Director needed to be established. R.D. continued to act as director while still running his agency. Jim Holmes was appointed as Marketing Director for the IMAGE group in 1993. Jim took the reins and grew the group from the existing twenty-six members to thirty-two by selling the idea of IMAGE and steadily adding programs to their portfolio.

During Jim’s tenure as Marketing Director, many programs were implemented. Soon, it became clear that IMAGE could easily support several “Specialty programs” (monoline companies and companies desiring specific classes of business) and several “all-line” company programs.

IMAGE continues to grow with new agencies and programs. The thirty-five partner associate member companies that support the IMAGE philosophy have paid millions of dollars in contingencies to the IMAGE agents.

Under the current leadership of Jon Strom, the principles that the founding members of IMAGE set to accomplish continue to strive. Jon, with the support of his staff, continues to recruit new agencies and develop vital programs to ensure that the vision set up by the founding members in 1991 carries into the future.

Under the current leadership of Jon Strom, the principles that the founding members of IMAGE set to accomplish continue to strive. Jon, with the support of Jim Holmes continue to recruit new agencies and develop strong programs to ensure that the vision set up by the founding members in 1991 carry into the future.


The Insurance Marketing Group of Wisconsin, Inc., IMAGE of Wisconsin, is a group of Independent Agencies working together to use its combined size and presence throughout Wisconsin, to develop and market insurance programs, and to improve its position with insurance carriers.


Growing a healthy independent insurance agency takes fortitude. You need a vision for the future, a plan to get there and resolve for the journey. IMAGE of Wisconsin will help strengthen your agency. We provide expertise and tools to help develop your operations, relationships with providers, and client services.

Get In Touch with us

201 N. Main Street, 4th floor
PO Box 608
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

(920) 723-1209


To learn more about IMAGE of Wisconsin and all its benefits please contact: Jon Strom, Chief Operating Officer IMAGE of WISCONSIN

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